Invitation to Children and Youth in Creative cities to draw with Viborg and Denmark in relation to The 2021 UNITED DANISH APPEAL FOR FUNDS

We are delighted to share the information related to an initiative undertaken by the Creative City of Viborg “DANMARKS INDSAMLING (DI)” – THE UNITED DANISH APPEAL FOR FUNDS 2021”.

Since 2007, the Danmarks Indsamling national fundraising appeal has supported over seven million people worldwide in getting a better life and a brighter future. For the 2021 national appeal, funds are being raised to support millions of children affected by the pandemic in poor countries.

The Creative City of Viborg being the host city of the 2021 appeal, has also initiated a creative campaign to support this fundraising appeal. Drawing is considered as a central element in Viborg’s Creative City DNA.  Thus, as a UNESCO CREATIVE CITY, the city invites all the children from Creative Cities worldwide to draw hope with Viborg for the children of the corona crisis – thereby supporting and advocating the 2021 Danish national appeal. Detailed information related to the campaign can be found in the below mentioned email.

We invite all the UNESCO Creative Cities to support the campaign by actively participating in the initiative.

Should you have any further questions, we invite you to kindly contact Henrik Holmskov ( the focal point for the city.